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Revenue Agreements

Why Revenue Agreements

In order to fund ongoing school- or district-based professional learning, Revenue Agreements can be established to between UC Davis-based CSMP sites and statewide offices and local schools and districts.  These agreements are based upon an hourly rate, determined by your site / Statewide Office's approved rate agreement.  

The Scope of Work

To create a revenue agreement, you'll need to develop a customized scope of work, which will become part of the Revenue Agreement.  The scope of work generally includes an overview of the services to be provided, in addition to specific deliverables, such as the number of hours for the program, a description of the participants to be served ("25 seventh-grade science teachers," for example), and individual dates for the program. (An example scope of work is attached to this webpage).


Establishing a Revenue Agreement, or modifying an existing Agreement, can be time-consuming as it requires many approvals at the department level, as well as the Finance and Business and Business and Revenue Contracts level. Center staff can facilitate this process for Site and Statewide Office leadership, as long as sufficient time (minimum of one month) is allocated in order to complete all required approvals in advance of the proposed program start date. 

Please note:  Policy prohibits work from starting until a signed agreement is in place; please submit your request for a new (or modified) revenue agreement at least 30 days prior to the planned program start date.

Submit a request for a Revenue Agreement

Submit a request to invoice a school or district for work completed