Center staff are happy to facilitate your team's travel, as well as your guests (such as teacher leaders).
Request reimbursement for travel expenses
Travel Policies
When you are planning a trip, please review the relevant UC Davis travel policies to make sure that your trip complies with them; you may be held responsible for travel expenses that do not conform to policy. Some relevant highlights of the travel policies include:
- Transportation costs can be paid or reimbursed on any business-related trip that is not commuting between your home and UC Davis.
- Employees must report travel, entertainment and, professional expenses within 15 days of the end of the trip or event.
- Your destination must be at least 40 miles from campus or your home in order to qualify for payment of lodging and meals for an overnight trip.
- Airfare must be for economy class travel (or equivalent).
- The limit on lodging expenses for domestic travel is $333 (not including taxes and fees).
- The limit on meals and incidentals for domestic travel is $92 per day (for trips with an overnight stay of at least 40 miles away from UC Davis or your home, whichever is closer). Please note this is NOT a per diem. If you are requesting reimbursement for meals and incidentals, please provide an accurate listing of the amount spent on meals and incidentals each day of your trip. If you spent less than $92, you may be reimbursed for the full amount you spent. If you spend more than $92 in a day, you will receive $92.
The Travel Card or Reimbursement?
Employees can use a UC Davis Travel Card to book approved and appropriate travel and pay for travel expenses directly. Travel Card expenses are automatically paid to the bank, as transactions take place. Please note: NO personal expenses are to be made on the Travel Card.
Alternatively, employees can pay for their travel costs out of pocket, and then request reimbursement after returning from their trip.
Reconciliation of Travel Expenses in Aggie Expense
Both the Travel Card and personal reimbursement method require submission of an AggieExpense Expense Report, submitted within 15 days of trip end date. A complete itinerary and listing of expenses should be submitted, but receipts are only required for expenses of $75 or more. Timely reconciliation is required, in order to avoid any potential tax-reportable income to the traveler.
The following information must be shown on a receipt in order for it serve as documentation for a transaction:
- Dollar amount
- Date of transaction
- Identification of what was purchased
- Proof of Payment (generally shown by the last four digits of a credit or debit card on the receipt).
Please note: your documentation must show that the staff member requesting reimbursement is the same person who incurred the expense. Staff members cannot be reimbursed for expenses incurred by family members or other individuals.
Center staff can answer any questions you may have, and assist you with the preparation and submission of your expense report. Center staff can also create and submit expense reports for your guest travelers, such as teacher leaders, by acting as your account delegate. They will let you know if any expenses need further documentation, and will notify you when your report is ready to submit.