Read about our our newest partner: the California Reading and Literature Project at UC Davis
Housed within the Blue Cluster of the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis, the Center for Public Service and Education supports a variety of public service and education organizations, both on the UC Davis campus and across the state, including:
The California Subject Matter Project (CSMP), UC Office of the President. With an unwavering commitment to equity, CSMP seeks to improve student learning through discipline-specific, research-based, sustained professional learning and leadership programs for TK-16 educators. Recent programs include the Equity Symposium: Affirming and Elevating Student Agency. Part of the CSMP’s annual LeadLearn conference series, this symposium, offered in partnership with the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), featured both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary workshops for classroom teachers.
The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA), UC Berkeley. 21CSLA provides high quality, equity-centered professional learning for educational leaders of schools and districts in California that receive Title II funds. 21CSLA Regional Academies, including the Sacramento-Placer 21CSLA Regional Academy at the Sacramento County Office of Education, provide individual coaching and professional learning for school leaders, and convene ongoing communities of practice for leaders across California.
The California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP), Department of History, UC Davis. CHSSP is a statewide network of historians, teachers and affiliated scholars dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in history and social science education through teacher professional learning, the development of instructional resources, and state policy guidance. Recent programs include Stewardship of the Wintun/Patwin Homelands: An Elementary Teacher Institute, a 4-day elementary teacher institute focused on the history, culture, and knowledge of the Wintun/Patwin homeland.
The UC Davis Math Project (UCDMP), Department of Mathematics, UC Davis. A regional site of the California Mathematics Project, UCDMP is a Sacramento-area professional development network that partners with local schools and districts to improve TK-12 mathematics instruction and student learning. Recent programs include the Saturday Mathematics Series, a four-part series that offered teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively across and within grade bands. Leading researchers in the field of math and math education served as keynote speakers at each session.
The Area 3 Writing Project (A3WP), College of Letters and Science, UC Davis. Part of the California Writing Project, A3WP is a Sacramento-area network of educators focused on the teaching of writing, using the teachers-teaching-teachers model. Recent programs include Teaching Ethnic Studies in an English / Language Arts Classroom, which provided both an overview of the discipline of Ethnic Studies, as well as suggested ways to integrate Ethnic Studies pedagogy and content in secondary English coursework.
The California Reading and Literature Project (CRLP) at UC Davis. Established in early 2025, and housed within the College of Letters and Science, CRLP at UC Davis offers local TK-12 educators classroom-ready resources and professional learning programs designed to build student literacy and learning.
The Sacramento Area Science Project (SASP), School of Education, UC Davis. A regional site of the California Science Project, SASP’s mission is to provide high quality professional development services to improve the teaching and learning of science in the greater Sacramento region. SASP contracts with districts across multiple counties to provide professional learning workshops and is known for the long-standing Science in the River City workshop series which features standards-aligned, hands-on labs and activities, as well as presentations from local teacher leaders and university faculty.
CalTeach/MAST (Math and Science Teaching) is a program at the University of California, Davis, that is part of the Science and Math Initiative (SMI), a statewide effort to address the shortage of qualified STEM teachers in California. The program is dedicated to preparing undergraduate students for careers in teaching, specifically in STEM fields. It focuses on equipping students with practical teaching skills, classroom experience, and expertise in math and science education. Through partnerships with local schools, CalTeach/MAST provides hands-on teaching opportunities, allowing students to participate in STEM focused classrooms.
K-16 Regional Education Collaborative. Center leadership serves as a member of UC Davis' K-16 Regional Education Collaborative Advisory Team, connecting the work of the Center and its affiliates to campus-wide efforts to develop occupational pathways to reduce inequities.
Yolo County Office of Education (YCOE). YCOE provides leadership, support, and fiscal oversight for the Davis, Esparto, Washington, Winters, and Woodland school districts, which serve approximately 30,000 students. Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, Garth Lewis, is elected by the voters of Yolo County. CPSE partners with YCOE on a variety of initiatives, including the Yolo County Youth Civic Initiative and the Yolo Center for Literacy and Language.
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