Event Support Request

Please provide a brief description (150 words or less) of the event.
What account or funding will you be using to pay for the event costs? (Please share account chart string if you have it). What is your estimated budget for the event? Are there any funding restrictions we should be aware of?
Where would you like to hold this event?  On campus?  Off campus?  If you have a preference for location, please share that, as well as second or third choices if you have them.
Will you need UC Davis parking permits?  If yes, how many do you estimate that you'll need?
Do you want to serve food and / or drink at this event?  If so, please let us know how much / person (light snack? full lunch? buffet / plated?  just drinks?).  Please also share your budget for this expenditure, and any specific preferences you may have, such as the type of food, campus catering vs. local restaurant, etc.
What AV needs do you anticipate?  Do you need a built-in LCD projector or will you be bringing a portable one?  Will you need a microphone / sound?  Will your participants need internet access?  Please provide as much detail as you can.
Supplies and Resources
(Attach file or link to Google doc)
What else should we know about your event?